Arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0
Arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0

arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0

Contact (Platform): for most other use cases, including sandbox multiplayer (loaded by default for all players).Contact (via PLAY CONTACT or -mod=Contact): for the singleplayer "First Contact" campaign experience (accessible only to owners - optionally loaded).

arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0

  • Contact consists of 2 data packs / folders:.
  • SIZE: ~765 MB / ~104 MB (depends on Contact ownership) You can also find them here Framework/BEFilters at v5.X.ACTIVITY: Game Update 2.04 (Audio Options, SQF Bytecode, Creator DLC Support)

    arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0

    This is the current one from the Altis Life Gitĥ "" !=hgun_(ACPC2|Rook40|PDW2000|Pistol_heavy_02)_F !=hgun_P07_(snds_)?F !=arifle_(TRG20|Katiba|SDAR|MX?)_F !=srifle_DMR_01_F !=SMG_02_ACO_F !=hgun_P07_khk_F !=hgun_Pistol_01_F !=SMG_05_F !arifle_AK12(_GL)?_F !=arifle_AKM_F !arifle_SPAR_01_(blk|khk|GL_blk)_F !arifle_MX(M|C)?_(GL_)?(khk)_F !srifle_DMR_07_(blk|ghex)_F !=srifle_LRR_tna_F !=srifle_GM6_ghex_F !Item(Compass|GPS|Map|Radio|Watch) !=NVGoggles !=FirstAidKit !=Binocular !optic_(ACO_grn(_smg)?|Arco|Hamr|Holosight|MRD) !=acc_flashlight !muzzle_snds_ !U_B_CombatUniform_Mcam_(tshirt|worn) !=U_B_survival_uniform !=U_B_Wetsuit !U_C_Driver_ !=U_C_HunterBody_grn !U_C_Poloshirt !=U_C_Poor_2 !=U_C_WorkerCoveralls !U_I_G_ !U_IG_Guerilla_ !=U_IG_leader !=U_NikosAgedBody !U_O_(GhillieSuit|PilotCoveralls|SpecopsUniform_ocamo) !=U_OrestesBody !=U_Rangemaster !H_Bandanna_ !=H_BandMask_blk !=H_Beret_blk_POLICE !H_Booniehat_ !H_Cap_ !H_Hat_ !H_Helmet_ !H_MilCap_ !H_RacingHelmet_ !H_Shemag !H_StrawHat !G_ !=V_Rangemaster_belt !V_TacVest_ !=V_PlateCarrier2_rgr !=V_RebreatherB !=V_BandollierB_cbr !=V_HarnessO_brn Seems like your using outdated filters or custom ones.

    Arma 3 reallife rpg 4.0